My New Years resolution this year is quite simple -stay stress free. For all those who have been following my life, last year was a very challenging one. This one I hope to keep fairly uneventful and full of fond memories.
Part of keeping my life stress free is to remove any items which constantly cause me to question my ethics. This is where the Boycott Israel comes in. I have always found Israel's use of brutality and it's flagrant disregard for not only International Law but also disregard for judgements by Israel's own Supreme Court extremely unpalatable. Married to a Jew (Not a practicing one, but one that has been nonetheless brainwashed into believing that the IDF is a legitimate body and the pitiful Jewish excuse to their nazi like behaviour which is "all Palestinians are terrorists") has made it a bit difficult to avoid getting "Made in Israel" goods in the house. However, every time I tasted those jams and juices (which I have to admit are tasty) it felt like I was perpetuating the mindless murder of more innocent civilians at the hands of the most organise terrorist organisation there is - the IDF.
I don't know what other goods Israel produces other than jams, cookies and juices (and of course illegal nuclear bombs and other items to perform genocide), but I am going to save myself from going through this moral dilemma every time I want to enjoy my toast.
I have seen and heard enough of Israel and it's apartheid policies. Indiscriminate killings of innocent Palestinian children has got to stop. Israel needs to understand that there are real repercussions when they kill civilians who simply want to live their lives. And as for my beloved brainwashed husband who believes "All Palestinians are terrorists" - I would like him and the rest of his brainwashed fascist Israeli supporters to explain to me how a child of 2 years is a terrorist.
I ask all people to join me in boycotting all goods "Made in Israel" - boycotting South Africa forced them to stop their inhuman policies towards blacks and maybe together we can make a difference and bring rights to the people of Palestine and liberation from the brutal occupiers.
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As usual when Israel fights back at terrorists, Canadian leftists are lining up behind the men in the masks and suiside vests. Their plan: Boycot the victim.
Never mind that Israel's campaign in Gaza has been humane by military standards - surgically killing hundreds of Hamas gunmen yet only a few dozen of their human shields (the blame should be on Hamas as they do not care about their own people and keep using schools and daycares as the arms depots, ie. Islamic University).
Where, we ask, were boycotts against produce from Russia, China, Sri Lanka or any of the many other nations whose battles against terrorists have resulted in the far greater civilian toll?
Nowhere. On this file, the author of this blog and her fellows leftists care about demonizing only one country: the Jewish state.
There's a name for that kind of bigotry, isn't there? Remember to say its name plainly next time you meet such a person.
"Surgically killing hundreds of Hamas gunmen" and "humane by military standards" - what is so surgical when they bomb a UN school (NOT a Hamas operated one but one run by the UN - an organization that the Israel routinely gets undue protection from and which created the state of Israel on land that was occupied by Palestinians) and kills over 30 children who were taking refuge there? How is this justified. How can even the hardest supporter of the IDF accept this kind of death toll of innocent children? Where is your morality?
As for the "humane" nature of their campaign - I have no idea what kind of campaigns you are referring to but starving children, preventing basic food and medical supplies to reach innocent people and keeping more than a million people in a state similar to what the Nazis did in the ghettos - sticks only of one thing to me and that is genocide.
As for the name given to such bigotry - for heaven sakes - it's people that support the IDF who are perpetutating the bigotry- the only difference is that in this century the players ahve changed - instead of the jews being persecuted (which was totally wrong), today the Israelis are the persecutors.
Jews should be demanding peace - not bombs - they should be bringing out the settlers, opening trade with West bank and Gaza and creating a viable and profitable environment where peace can prosper - not imprisoning million people without water, electricity, food and medical supplies.
Bombing Gaza will not create a better and safer Israel - only a more dangerous one and everyone knows that.
This campaign is stupid and it needs to stop now.
Once again it is a question of who to blame. I choose to blame Hamas as they are using schools and civilians as human shields. The story goes that Israeli soldiers had come under fire from the militants inside the school. It is a known fact that terrorist goal is to keep the conflict going at any expense, at expense of their own citizens, as manipulated by Iran, Syria, etc. As in the past they digged graves, prevented wounded from leaving, staged faked funerals, trying to manipulate the world in the sympathy.
I think that it is very disturbing that we hear chants of "Jews back to the ovens" and "Nuke Israel" and the placards reading "Jihad on the Zionists" which are being featured at demonstrations around the world. Not in Cairo, Damascus or Indonesia, but New York and Toronto.
And back to your rethorics. As I said before where were you when rockets were fired on Israeli population, specifically targeting the civilians? In the last year alone, Israel has been the target of close to 3000 rocket attacks and mortar shellings. It works out to almost nine a day. Each shell and each rocket is launched with the hope that it will maim and kill. Since September 2000, more than 500 Israelis have been murdered in 140 Hamas sponsored suicide and rocket attacks and more than 5000 have been wounded.
Hamas approach is simple and cynical: Provoke Israel by firing rockets at kindergartens,, playgrounds and hospitals; hide behind its own civilians when firing at Israeli civilians; refuse to build bunkers for its own civilians; have TV cameras ready to transmit every image of dead Palestians, especially children; exaggerate the number of civilians killed by including as "children" Hamas fighters who are 16 or 17 years old and as "women" female terrosits.
Hamas does everything in its power to provoke Israel into killing as many Palestinian civillians as possible, in order to generate condemnation against the Jewish state. It has gone so far as firing rockets from Palestinian schoolyards and hiding its terrorist in Palestinian maternity wards.
I am genuinely upset about how ignorant the author of this blog is about situation in the Middle East. Instead of repeating the same antics all over again and reading all propaganda and anti-Israeli press, maybe you should just stick to the facts and show some intellectual freedom and independence. Lets think out of the box, and maybe then some alternative solution to the military action can be found. Otherwise, we are going back to the vicious circle: killing of Israeli people; Israel begs for peace and mostly ignored; Israel does not see any other alternative bu to start the war; Israel get condemned by world left community; some peace deal is finally reached that does not solve anything, but allows terrorists to re-arm and to continue to operate; Israeli civilians get killed...
You got the picture.
To kill civilians or a human being is a greatest sin, unfortunately human beings often used this method to prove their own goodness.
When one country aggresses the other country and people die is of course heart braking. But the greatest reason why it’s happening is HATRED! Hatred from both the sides, Palestinians hate Israelis and Israelis in their turn hate the Palestinians. Even if they would be made to stop their military actions the hatred will prevail, it seams there is no end to it. This hate for each other just made them to clash into this war!
And here what we see is again the call to join our hands together in Hatred for Israel ! I mean we can not change anything or establish peace between the nations if we are trying to use the aggressive methods. By doing so we destroy our lives the lives of others, this negative feeling will consume our loving hearts and minds. When our words are motivated by hatred, we can gain nothing out of it, but war.
We can not judge the situation by sticking just to one part, it is never right. Of course the 2 year old child is not a terrorist, but Hamas people who would hide behind the back of a child or a woman, inside the civil houses and shooting from there, they sacrifice their children and wives putting them in front, using them as a shield.
Both the sides sacrifice their children instead of sacrificing their angers, tempers and hatreds in the name of piece.
We stick to one part of the conflict, because we identify ourselves with that particular religion, nation, because we are Muslims or Christians or whatever and in this situation we can never be right, because we can not see the truth. It is like two blind men trying to describe an elephant, one holding it’s trunk another one the tail, one sais it is a giant snake another sais it is a rope, they would argue on that, but non of them is right, because they can not see the whole elephant, they will never know the reality.
Moses the prophet of Israel never taught violence between the people, this is what the Israel doing now and Mohamed Sahib never taught violence as well, these great teachers or prophets never said something which would support the hatred between the people.
Whether it is Hamas or Israelis aggression, they are all lost in hatred, and they are both wrong.
People of both countries are suffering in their own way; it is because they can not forgive one another.
There are many people in Israel and in Palestine who are against this war, they don’t want the war, these people understand the value of the human life, that it the most precious gift and no fights for land can be worthy of it. For the sake of these people let’ try to love and respect people of Palestine and Israel, let’s not call out for hatred among each other, but for understanding and support each other not in any aggressive way, but as a real human been, which is wise, forgiving and loving personality, let’s try to help each other in love, otherwise it will never end! Let’s just understand a simple truth, that everything we have now is a fruit of our own past actions.
According to the low of equilibrium every action has a reaction, that means, what is happening now in Palestine is the fruit, which they got out of their own actions as a reaction. On the other hand Israel is doing now something, which should bare some fruits in the future. If we just understand this, we would change something in this present moment to have sweet fruits in the future, instead of bitter ones…
The fact is that UN has CONFIRMED that there was NO firing coming out of the school. Israel recklessly murdered a lot of children in a school and this is why you have such outrage today.
And BOTH sides are equally to blame with staging funerals and exaggerating damage. For heaven sakes the rockets that Hamas fires cannot even destroy a car, yet Israel makes it look like they are capable of destroying entire villages. As for your argument about Hamas residing with the civilians and hence the civilians are fair target as well - Aren't most Israeli soldiers reservists? Does that mean that their homes and families are fair game as well?
The problem with the supporters of Israel's illegal occupation is that they have justified to themselves that the actions of the IDF are valid. They have turned blind to any form of humanitariasm against the Palestinians because the "blood of a Jew is worth more than those of a 100 Arabs".
Now to answer your statistics - here are some more for you to ponder as you continue to justify your moral support for the murderous IDF.
You say since 2000 - 150 Israeli's have been killed because of rocket attacks by Hamas.
Since 2000 the IDF has killed almost 4000 Palestinians, half of them children, more than twenty thousand were wounded.
More statistics? Since 2006 Israeli settlers in the West Bank have murdered more than 200 Arabs by entering Arab villages - this has been videotaped and yet no one has been arrested and put in jail.
Seems to me the Israeli's are quite murderous from the above numbers.
The sad part of this is that Jews are the ones who should be the first to understand that a value of a life no matter what religion is the same. They behave no better than the german army did in the 1930s when they saw german life worth more than jewish life.
Peace cannot happen until both sides make a serious attempt at peace. This requires Israel to go back to the 1967 border, give up Jersalem and if it does not want the return of refugees then it needs to create a compensation scheme for them and pay them off. It requires them to give up their illegal nuclear program, to stop keeping the Arabs in ghettos and allowing free trade, free democracy and free speech to flourish. Peace can only come when you actually treat the others with respect and go through with your word.
Peace cannot happen when you allow your army to kill civilians, allow your people to bully and kill others because of their race or do everything in your power to bring total misery to legitimate owners of the land.
If Israel wants peace, it needs to start playing by generally accepted peaceful rules. Hamas ofcourse needs to give up it's ideology of destroying Israel - it cannot succeed it in anyway.
The blame for this conflict is on Israel. The people of Israel (and Tzipi has confirmed this) are MORE at risk now AFTER the Gaza incursion than they were before. Just like Hezbollah, Hamas will emerge victorious and stronger with more funding and more recruits. Israel will be a more dangerous place and with this stupid attack on a school and the killing of all these children, Israel has basically told Hamas and Hezbollah that there are no rules in this game anymore - now Israeli schools and all Israeli civilian istitutions in the diaspora are fair game.
How does it end - one more stupid move for Israel, one more win for Hamas, one more win for the US who gets to sell more destructive weapons and a big step back for peace.
So Chai-are you going to boycott all "made in the USA" items as well, since you said that the US Military is a terrorist? Can't have a double standard now, can we? BTW-a lot of Victoria's Secret undergarments are made in Israel.
Quote :"Israel has basically told Hamas and Hezbollah that there are no rules in this game anymore - now Israeli schools and all Israeli civilian istitutions in the diaspora are fair game."
Since when wasn't it a fair game to muslimterrorists to do that?
Yonit - I don't like Victoris Secret - they never fit me well! Are they really made in Israel?
ha ha - so now the country makes jams, juices, bras and nukes - what an interesting mix!
Yup! Check out some underwear and bras from there-Made in Israel! Honestly-one of my boobs might just fit into a whole bra from VS, but that's neither here nor there. So how can you be married to an Israeli with the way you view things? I'm just curious...Have you ever visited Israel?
I'd like to be in. Can someone please supply a list of some common made in Israel items?
And you think a boycott will make Israel leave Gaza? Puh-leez! There are plenty of people in the world who support Israel in it's quest to rid itself of terrorists like Hamas. Your boycott will not really be noticed.
Sadly you are correct - but then again, I am only interested in buying jams, juices and occassionally a new bra - Israel is more focused on its industry to produce weapons of mass destruction and kill children.
Amazing article and amazing rebuttals to all the comments.
I am neither Arab nor Jewish but I find it sad that people even try to justify stuff like this.
Anyone that refutes that Israel killed over 1400 people mostly civilians with hundreds of women and children is ignorant at best, no one cares what the Israeli army says, all other organizations came up with different numbers that matched.
Letting Israel judge itself and evaluate itself is like asking the Nazis to count how many ppl they killed.
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