Saturday, January 17, 2009

Israel's Peace

I am laughing as I write this blog. Laughing at how low humanity has become. It's the feeling that comes after you cry about the downfall of something, when things continue going down and crying seems redundant - you laugh. Today I am laughing about Israel's pathetic claims of peace.

For those of you who have been reading the news, in the past few days, Israel has blown up a hospital which housed one of only 2 neonatal units and intensive care units in Gaza, children on incubators were taken on the street and most of them did die. While I am now beyond outraged at the brutal genocide that Israel is committing, I am also deeply saddened by the international community's inability to stop it. What does this mean? It means that legitimate forms of world governance are useless. The only things that matters is who is stronger and who will persevere. While it is true that in the middle east Israel is stronger, it is also true that the the Palestinians and Lebanese have a way of persevering over this neo-Nazi country.

But this is not what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about this pathetic 'unilateral cease fire' that Israel has agreed to. Firstly, Israel UNILATERALLY COMMITTED GENOCIDE, Israel UNILATERALLY COMMITS APARTHEID and Israel UNILATERALLY MURDERS INFANTS (Oh how the Israelis must be so proud of their sons who have turned into baby killers!). And now Israel wants "unilateral cease fire". The problem with this statement is you cannot decide something unilaterally - not when you destroy a land, take away all the resources and treat the legal owners of the land as slaves. You also cannot make unilateral peace with the US because the US is not at war with you. It would be like me making a unilateral agreement with my friend in which I agree to stop killing those I was killing earlier - it has no value. On one hand, Tzipi was signing a document in Washington and at the same time, the IDF put a missile into a high rise building which was FULL of residents sleeping. What kind of cease fire is this??

Also, I want it stated here first - ISRAEL HAS LOST THE WAR IN GAZA. The unilateral cease fire is no more than a surrender notice to Hamas. Israel said at the onset of this genocide campaign that they would remove Hamas. They will never be able to succeed and they have not been successful. Hamas can only be neutralized when the need of a militant organization fades, and that is when there is real peace and statehood for the Palestinians. The Israelis committed despicable acts of war crimes, became baby kills, undertook a "cleansing" that equated to genocide and of the 1200 people that they butchered, more than 800 were women and children. You could argue that the rest were Hamas - but this would imply that every male Palestinian over the age of 15 is a militant - which if it were true, Israel would be fighting with an army as big as it's own. So likely the number of actual Hamas fighters killed are pretty low - and low enough to not really matter.

So what happens now? Israel has been unable to destroy Hamas (as it was unable to destroy Hezbollah), Israeli troops will continue to stay in Gaza and kill more kids (because even though they signed the cease fire - it doesn't actually apply to the IDF) and Hamas will grow stronger. I believe it is a fair statement to make that Israel has exponentially increased the risk for it's population and the diaspora because of the genocide it committed. If Israel hoped to achieve anything with these acts of genocide in Gaza - it has failed. It has once again proved that Israel has only the muscle but not the brain to actually protect it's own people.

Israel has also shown the world that it is capable of using weapons of mass destruction (the white phosphorous), that it does not value life or democracy and that basically it is a rogue nation that should really be on the list of AXIS OF EVIL and boycotted by all self respecting democratic states.

We, as human beings have lost our morality if we accept any more of Israel's lies, murder and ethnic cleansing. Speak up world! Speak up for Humanity!


Marcel Dubois said...

Good work. I don't agree with you on the expulsion thing, but everything you said here was spot on.

MIchael said...

Damn, you are really crazy.

Anonymous said...

Speak up world.

Speak up for 70,000 muslims killed in Sri Lanka.

Speak up for 1.5 muslims killed in Darfour, Sudan.

What's that world? Why Are you quiet?
I understand. Their crime was not being killed by the demonic Jews and that is why their voices were not heard. Tough Luck.

ima said...

Get some real facts
A correspondent for Italy's Corriere della sera Lorenzo Cremonesi SAY : "Maximum 600 Palestinians died in Gaza "

The number of Palestinians killed in Operation Cast Lead did not exceed five or six hundred, Lorenzo Cremonesi, a correspondent for Italy's Corriere della sera reported on Thursday.

Cremonesi based his report on tours of hospitals in the Gaza Strip and on interviews with families of ca More..sualties. He also assessed the number of wounded to be far lower than 5,000, the number quoted by Hamas and repeated by the UN and the Red Cross in Gaza.

"It is sufficient to visit several hospitals [in the Gaza Strip] to understand that the numbers don't add up," he wrote.

In the European hospital in Rafah, one of the facilities which would presumably be filled with wounded from the "war of the tunnels," many beds were empty, according to Cremonesi. A similar situation was noted in the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, and in the privately-run Amal Hospital Cremonesi reported that only five out 150 beds were occupied.

Cremonesi interviewed Gazans who echoed Israel's insistence of how Hamas gunmen used civilians as human shields. One Gazan recalled civilians in Gaza shouting at Hamas and Islamic Jihad men, "Go away, go away from here! Do you want the Israelis to kill us all? Do you want our children to die under their bombs? Take your guns and missiles with you."

"Traitors, collaborators with Israel, spies of Fatah, cowards! The soldiers of the holy war will punish you. And in any case you will all die, like us. Fighting the Zionist Jews we are all destined for paradise. Do you not wish to die with us?" the religious fanatics of Hamas reportedly responded.

Other Palestinians told Cremonesi of Hamas operatives donning paramedic uniforms and commandeering ambulances. A woman identified as Um Abdullah, 48, spoke of Hamas using UN buildings as launch pads for rockets.

Cremonesi reported that he had difficultly gathering evidence as the local population was terrified of Hamas.

MIchael said...

ChaiTime said...
Yonit, Laila, Dragonfly, Michael and all the other readers.
I want to do an experiment. Let's try to see if between us we can come to an agreement on the Middle East - If 5-10 civilized people who are obviously well educated can come to an agreement then maybe there is hope for a non-violent way of resolving the issue.
I'm going to state my stand: Pro Palestinian anti-Hamas anti-violence of any kind.
My demands:
1) Israel goes back to the 1948 borders.
2) All Jews who live in the areas that were illegally occupied between 1948 and today have the choice of leaving or becoming part of the Palestinian state. They relinquish their Israeli passports and become Palestinian citizens.
3) All Arab countries accept Israel as a state and open diplomatic missions there
4) Israel totally abandons it's nuclear weapons and it's programme of WMD. Palestine and it's neighbors including Iran are not allowed to pursue nuclear weapons. Teh UN ensures that the Missle East is weapon free.
5) The Palestinian state stops all rockets from being launched.
6) Palestinians have complete authority over their land, sea and air borders.
7) Palestinian refugees have the right to return to land (Israel is now at the 1948 borders) and where to house them is the problem of the new state of Palestine.
8) US, Israel and all Western countries accept Palestine as a soverign state whose capital is Jerusalem.
Ok - let's try to start a discussion towards something concrete here.
Where do the others stand on this and what can we do to bring this area closer to peace?

Dear Chai, I have a few technical questions for you about your demands.
1. What about 1967? What are your demands?
2. What is according to you is illegall occupation? West Bank was occupied from Jordan in 1967, Jordan occupied it in 1948 (after its independence ,illegally?), before 1948 it was under British Mandate. Moreover, why wouldn’t they hold dual passports?
3. Diplomatic missions is ok, it a good thing. But the problem is the anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish propaganda from the arab world, what will happen with that?
4. Since most of the known knowledge is speculations and is under debate (as an Israel I don’t know for sure if we have nuclear weapons or not), and no official declarations were made, no one knows who has nuclear or doesn’t. Second, how will UN ensure that Middle East will be weapon free, if it can't ensure United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701? Which is much easier to ensure than what you said. How can you think its possible to imply that?
Let me remind you resolution 1701 :
• Full cessation of hostilities – DONE
• Israel to withdraw all of its forces from Lebanon in parallel with Lebanese and UNIFIL soldiers deploying throughout the South – DONE
• Hezbollah to be disarmed – NOT IMPLIED
• Full control of Lebanon by the government of Lebanon – ?
• No paramilitary forces, including (and implying) Hezbollah, will be south of the Litani River – NOT IMPLIED
• The need to address urgently the unconditional release of the abducted Israeli soldiers, that have given rise to the current crisis. – NOT IMPLIED
Moreover, UNIFIL didn't prevent rockets that were fired from Lebanon during "Cast Led" operation in January. Rockets to the north of Israel were fired by unknown forces of terror.
5. Rockets stopped – great. What about suicide bombings? Armed resistance of Palestinian terrorists? What about the propaganda?
6. Agreed
7. Who are the refugees? Only those who were there on 1948? Or their descendants as well? To what land exactly they can return?
8. Then Israel will not have Jerusalem as their capital?

I don’t have anything to add, most of the terms are find with me. We just want to live in peace and quietness. That’s all.


MIchael said...

Another thing is, what will happen to Oslo agreements? All trashed?

Dragonfly said...

I agree entirely.
Michael you really are pathetic. At least make some kind of argument in your post.

The crazies in this are the Israeli's and IDF and anyone who who believes what is happening is 'defense' of Israel, and that includes the US. The crazies are people like you Michael.

Chai - read this - it explains a lot - eg the hold zionists have over US policy.

Anonymous said...

Well said. :)