Monday, February 11, 2008

Elections 2008 - let the discussion begin

I was discussing my views on my friend's rather wonderful blog, but she doesn't seem to be interested in views other than hers now - so I have no choice but to start this blog and bring the politics in. I still like her blog though. You can check it out at

The Chai Lady officially endorses OBAMA. There I have said it.
I acknowledge that he has no concrete policies. I acknowledge that he may not be experienced in the dirty game of politics. BUT he has a way with words. He has the ability to reach out and talk to common folks. I find that amazing. He's almost like Jesus with the masses! He is a unifier who can reach out and bring in folks the way I have never seen anyone able to do before. Tell me, where in the Western World have you seen politicians bring in crowds of 18 - 30 thousand who wait for hours just to hear him speak - this is way better than any rock band - these people come to hear and take in his "sermons" - it's almost a cult of "born again political activists" that he is creating. I find that fascinating - I find that amazing and I applaud that.

In our world where we are far more likely to just grumble about the way the govt is instead of taking real concrete action - Obama has shown us that getting politically active is a cool and fun thing to do.

A lot of my friends have come out in support of Hillary simply because "women need to support women". Of course they do - but only when the woman is qualified to do the job. Tell me this - would you go to a doctor just because she was a woman - or would you go to a doctor because she is qualified and the fact that she is a woman is only a bigger bonus? I belong to the latter. I am all for improving the conditions of females around the world but voting someone in to manage the worlds largest and totally screwed up economy simply because of their gender is by no means a sensible argument.

I'm not totally against Hillary - I just think Obama is a better candidate. Either way you see it, ANYONE is better than McCain and his 100 year war in Iraq.

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